Baby mode
Press B, A, B, Up, Down, Left, Right at the "Tonight's Match-up" screen.
Goal-tending mode
Press Right, Up, Down(2), Right, Up at the "Tonight's Match-up" screen.
Dunk mode
Press Right, Left, B, A, B, A at the "Tonight's Match-up" screen.
Turbo mode
Press B(2), Down(2), A(2), Up, Left at the "Tonight's Match-up" screen.
Maximum power
Press Right, Up, Left, Right, B, Down, A at the "Tonight's Match-up" screen.
Quick hands
Press Left, Right, A, B, Right, Left at the "Tonight's Match-up" screen.
Power-up defense
Press A, Up, B, Down, B, Left, Right at the "Tonight's Match-up" screen.
Power-up three point shots
Press Up, Down(2), Left(2), Right, Up at the "Tonight's Match-up" screen.
Power-up pushing
Press B, Right, A, Down, A, Right, B at the "Tonight's Match-up" screen.
Power-up speed
Press Up(2), Down(2), Left, Right, Left(2), B, A at the "Tonight's Match-up" screen.
Press Down, Right, A(2), B, Left at the "Tonight's Match-up" screen.
View shot percentage
Press Down, Up, Down, B, Up at the "Tonight's Match-up" screen.
Slippery court
Press B, A, Down, A, B, Right(5) at the "Tonight's Match-up" screen.
Teleport passing
Press Down, Right(2), A(2), Down, Left(2), Right, B at the "Tonight's Match-up" screen.
Push opponent, teammate falls
Press Down, Left, Right, Up, Left(4), A, B at the "Tonight's Match-up" screen.
Switch teams at half time
Hold Down + A + C at the halftime screen for approximately ten seconds.
Bonus players
Use the following procedure to add the corresponding bonus player to a team. Highlight the first initial and press Start and the first code button simultaneously. Then, highlight the middle initial and last initial and follow the same procedure.
Player Initials Code
Ad Rok (Beastie Boys) ADR B, C, (Any)
Air Dog (Erik Samulski, Acclaim) AIR B, (Any), C
B. Clinton (Bill Clinton) CIC B, (Any), A
Benny (Chicago Bulls Mascot) BNY C, (Any), B
Bird (Larry Bird) BRD A, C, A
Blaze (Carol Blazewoski) BLZ C, (Any), C
Brutah LGN (Any), B, A
Carlton (John Carlton, Williams) JMC B, C, C
Charles (Prince Charles) ROY (Any), A, B
Chow Chow (Asif Chaudri, Acclaim) AMX C, A, (Any)
Crunch (Minnesota Timberwolves Mascot) CRN (Any), B, A
Di-Vita (Sal DiVita, Midway) SAL (Any), C, A
Facime XYZ A, B, B
Falcus (Jason Falcus) JF_ C, (Any), A
Frank Thomas (Chicago White Sox) SOX A, (Any), B
Gorilla (Phoenix Suns Mascot) GOR B, B, (Any)
Goskie (Tony Goskie, Midway) TWG A, (Any), B
H. Clinton (Hillary Clinton) HC_ (Any), B, (Any)
Heavy D. (Rap artist) HVY B, (Any), A
Hill (Neil "Ziggy" Hill) NDH A, B, A
Hugo (Charlotte Hornets Mascot) HGO A, C, (Any)
Jazzy Jeff (Rap artist) JAZ A, A, C
Kabuki (Eric Kuby) DAN A, B, (Any)
Kirby (Chris Kirby) CK_ C, (Any), B
Liptak (Shawn Liptak, Williams) SL_ B, B, (Any)
MCA (Beastie Boys) MCA (Any), B, B
Mike D. (Beastie Boys) MKD C, (Any), C
Moon (Jay Moon) JAY B, A, (Any)
Moosekat MPF (Any), C, B
Muskett ("Mad" Mike Muskett) MCM C, B, B
R. Cunningham (Philadelphia Eagles) PHI C, A, (Any)
Rivett (Jamie Rivitt, Williams) RJR C, A, (Any)
Snake SNK B, C, A
Turmell (Mark Turmell, Midway) MJT A, (Any), A
Weasel (Dan Feinstein, Acclaim) RAY (Any), A, B
Will Smith (The Fresh Prince) WIL (Any), B, C